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Honor In The Air Team: On The Road

Pamela Alwin Fullerton

Vietnam War Army helicopter pilot poses with chopper

We have a couple more events coming up, and we hope we'll see you there.

Honor in the Air will have an information table at the American Legion Freedom Celebration gathering on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at the Veteran’s Memorial Field (Colombia County Fair Grounds) in Portage, Wisconsin. Please stop by and see us. We’d love to share the story of a true Wisconsin hero with you. The address is 799 Thompson St, Portage, WI 53901.

On Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 5 pm, please join us at the Peplin VFW Post 8280 (3332 State Highway 153, Peplin, WI 54455) for a presentation open to all area veterans about our documentary, Honor in the Air. The film will remember the life and service of Captain Scott R Alwin, one of the greatest military aviators in Wisconsin history and honor all those with whom he fought and flew in Vietnam.

The presentation is open to all members of the public and area veterans are especially welcome.

Among the memorabilia on display is the nose cone art from the last helicopter flown in Vietnam by Captain Alwin in 1972 shortly before the US withdrawal.

If you'd like to schedule a presentation for your group, please contact Pamela Alwin Fullerton. Text to 608.436.0698 or leave a message at 715.675.4115.

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