The American Legion Post 10 in Wausau has been one of Honor in the Air’s staunchest supporters ever since Penny, Susan and I gave the very first local post presentation about Captain Scott Alwin there. We have been amazed and humbled by their continued enthusiasm and help. Most recently, they sponsored a banner for Captain Alwin on the Avenue of Veterans.
In gratitude, Penny and I presented the Post with a custom framed Documentary Poster and a commemorative cap with Scott’s last call sign (#17) and the insignia of his last Helicopter, “The Grim Reaper”. There were two pins added. One was a flight of Hueys to symbolize all of those he worked and flew with including the crew chiefs, mechanics, gunners, and co-pilots; and a second, single helicopter representing Scott’s individual commitment to his duty and the service.
The items were graciously accepted by Commander Weller who indicated they would be part of the new display case area.
We want to thank all of you who continue to support our efforts to complete this documentary about a true Wisconsin Hero. If you want a presentation for your post, please contact any member of the team. Or if you'd like to make a donation, there is information at www.HonorInTheAir.com on how to do so.
And thanks again, Wausau Post 10.
