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Writer's pictureSusan Reetz

First Round of Archival Footage is a Go!

2 helicopters fly low in Viet Nam

We’d like to thank PBS Wisconsin for providing archival film footage to support our documentary project! This is an immense help, and we are very grateful. We are so happy that we were able to connect with them, and that they took the time to talk with us and learn more about our project and about Captain Scott R. Alwin.

Of course, we still have many interviews and additional footage to film and additional archival footage to track down specific to Captain Alwin’s service and story. And then there’s editing. And music. And graphics. Well, you get the picture.

Please consider supporting our documentary film about Captain Alwin by making a donation to our crowd funding site. Every bit helps and is appreciated.

And if you’d like to see the PBS Wisconsin programs created from the footage they are also making available to us, here are the links:

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1 commentaire

Treasurer GBFilmFest
Treasurer GBFilmFest
11 mai 2021

So happy your efforts are seeing rewards! Your persistence during the past 16 months of Covid restrictions is commendable. Best to you and your team and making this film.

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